Types of therapy
• Psychotherapy
Wanting to be free from painful, depressive thoughts and insecurities is one thing, but to realise what can be done and having the courage to take the necessary steps towards changing it is a totally other story. Talking about issues related to a life crisis can be a relief and provide peace of the mind. While friends can be supportive, they are rarely objective, and important things may go unsaid to avoid risking the friendship. Working with a psychologist gives you the opportunity to reframe your problems and view them through a neutral, unbiased lens.
Couples and individual therapy
I offer individual and couples therapy for adults. Talking therapy is intended to help provide greater self-awareness and thus greater satisfaction with life. In psychotherapy ,I work with the topics that the couple or the individual wants to discuss. The treatment is designed according to the individual’s needs.
Group therapy
In a group, everyone is “in the same boat”. Participating in group therapy can make it much easier for individuals to put difficult thoughts, feelings, needs and beliefs into words. In a group, you can benefit from the support, experience and advice of others. You often feel understood on a much deeper level than with “outsiders”. For instance, the group can serve as a valuable support network for participants, either for a specific period or gradually over time.