Mindful Self-Compassion course
MSC – Mindful Self Compassion
Mindful Self-Compassion is an evidence-based research programme developed by renowned American psychology researchers and . Research shows that MSC helps you cope better with adversity and difficult emotions and that the MCS programme has a positive effect on increasing participants’ self-satisfaction, compassion, mindfulness and overall well-being.
Studies also show that the use of MSC techniques correlates positively with mental health, resulting in lower levels of depression, decreased negative self-evaluation, a decrease in anxiety and less tendency to ruminate. It also concludes that the more the MSC programme is practised, the greater its impact.
MSC is a relevant tool to prevent self-criticism, self-judgement and isolation. Since a closed heart and lack of acceptance can lead to stress and illness, practising self-compassion and kindness becomes essential to our well-being. If we were all more capable of showing kindness and compassion to ourselves and others, the practice of MSC would create a self-reinforcing cycle of positive growth. Because we can’t grow if we’re not willing to confront and acknowledge our weaknesses.
The 8-week MSC course comprises three elements: “Mindfulness”, “Kindness” and “Shared Humanity”. These practices cultivate an ability to be your own source of love and your own best ally, serving as a powerful “antidote” to being overwhelmed by emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
The aim of the course is to enable you to practise mindfulness and self-compassion in just 8 weeks. Mindfulness techniques will allow you to become aware of when experiences of either stress and/or suffering arise, and be able to respond with kindness through compassion. You will also develop an understanding that everyone experiences suffering and that we humans are not perfect. The key approach is to visualise how we can nurture ourselves with care and compassion, and to remind ourselves of this during challenging times in the future.
The course lasts 24 hours, split into 8 sessions of 2.5 hours each plus a 4-hour retreat day. Course material with core meditations, “informal exercises” and feedback forms are provided, as well as a reading list for further immersion. You will also gain access to recorded audio files with guided meditations.
The format of the course is hands-on, i.e. a session consists of practical exercises supported by short, relevant theoretical presentations. Please note this course is not group therapy.
If you want to enhance your ability to be kind and compassionate to yourself, then the courses below may be of interest.
MSC Mindful Self-Compassion course – There are currently no courses planned.
Number of sessions: 8 sessions of 2.5 hours each plus a 4-hour silent retreat.
Location: Frankrigsgade 5, 3.tv, 2300 Copenhagen S
Price: DKK 5,900 excl. VAT (Early bird price: DDK 5,500)
Registration: To register, please contact me:
Email: info@psykolog-isabella.dk
The instructor on the MSC courses is:
, authorised psychologist with an MSc in Psychology Isabella Pedersen, Specialist in Clinical Psychology b. 1965, graduated in 2003 with an MSc in Psychology from Aarhus University. Further education programmes in Body and Gestalt therapy, hypnosis, cognitive therapy and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). As of more recently, she can also add MSC Instructor to her list. Isabella has extensive experience in organising Mindfulness courses. Since 2008 she has run courses, lectures and workshops for both companies and individuals. She has been meditating since she was in her 20s and has taken numerous meditation courses both at home and abroad.